Columbus Intermediate School

  • Columbus Intermediate School

School Contacts

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    Columbus Intermediate School serves the needs of students living in the Bedford and Bedford Heights communities. We are a three- to five-grade building. We provide the bridge between the primary school and middle school experience. We are committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment where students are challenged each day to reach their full potential.

    Our Mission:
    Columbus Intermediate School is “Creating a Culture of Excellence”.

    We believe that the role of our school is to demonstrate a commitment to the following goals:
    •    Develop rigorous academic skills in reading, writing, math, citizenship and scientific discovery that prepares children to be life-long learners
    •    Foster a positive attitude toward learning and our school community by infusing the “Respect: a Right and a Responsibility” motto.
    •    Set high expectations for each child and to promote self-confidence, self-esteem and a positive acceptance of oneself.
    •    Promote positive interpersonal relationships among students, emphasizing manners, respect and consideration of others.
    •    Develop an awareness of the similarities among people and the acceptance of the differences in their cultures.
    •    Foster an appreciation of the fine arts and the cultural heritage of our world.
    •    Develop an awareness of healthy bodies and physical fitness as an aspect to the whole person.
    •    Encourage a cooperative relationship with parents by keeping an open line of communication regarding the child’s academic, social and emotional progress while encouraging involvement in school activities.
    •    Encourage an open line of communication with community leaders and other active community members.  

    If your child is absent from school, we strongly urge you to call the office between the hours of 8:00 and 8:30 a.m. Your child's teacher will be notified. Please state the reason and anticipated length of this absence. We ask that you do this for the safety of your child. We will contact you if your child is listed on the absence sheet and we have not heard from you. Upon your child's return to school, please send an absence excuse. If the absence is for more than three days, please contact the classroom teacher to make arrangements for your child to receive make-up work.

    Bus Transportation:
    If your child is a bus rider and you are picking him/her up from school, a signed written request must be sent to the classroom teacher in the morning. The office will be notified so that we may expect you. Your child will be called to the office when you arrive. Only parents and/or designees as listed on your child's Emergency Card are permitted to sign the child out of school in the office. Questions regarding bus transportation may be answered by calling the Transportation Department on 440-439-4234.

    Medication may only be administered to a child who has a signed authorization form from the parent/guardian and physician. The instructions and forms are available in the office. A member of the office staff will check the authorization form before administering the child's medication.

    Each month, beginning in September, a newsletter will be distributed announcing upcoming events and activities. A calendar will be included so that you may plan on joining us.

    We pride ourselves on being an active and involved P.T.A. Your support of the P.T.A. is encouraged.

    Modular Addition:
    Many students at Columbus Intermediate School began the last grading period of the 2001-2002 school year in brand-new classrooms, thanks to completion of a modular addition in March 2002. The addition was made to specifications by GE Capital Modular space at its factory in Richmond, Indiana. It has a life expectancy of about 40 years.

    The addition provides flexibility in configuring classrooms as the needs of students change. Currently, the new wing houses two full-size classrooms and six half-sized classrooms for special education students and those receiving reading intervention services. However, movable walls enable four of the half-sized classrooms to be converted to two full-sized classrooms. Other features include write-on/wipe off boards instead of traditional chalkboards, closets in each room, and air conditioning.